3 Lever Mortice

We offer a comprehensive range of locks, including a selection of 3 lever mortice locks. Designs include deadlocks and sash locks. Deadlocks consist of a key/hole and a bolt; sash locks consists of a key/hole, bolt and latch. 3 lever mortice locks are typically used on internal doors. (For external doors, a 5 lever mechanism offers greater security).

3 Lever Mortice

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9 Items

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    Description Pack Qty Availability Price Per Quantity
    3 Lever Mortice Sash Lock 65mm NP/EB. 2 1
    3 Lever Mortice Sash Lock 75mm NP/EB. 2 1
    3 Lever Mortice Dead Lock 65mm NP/EB. 2 1
    3 Lever Mortice Dead Lock 75mm NP/EB. 2 1
    3 Lever Mortice Sash Lock 50mm NP/EB. 5 1
    3 Lever Mortice Sash Lock Nick Plated / Electro Brassed - 65mm 5 1
    3 Lever Contract Mortice Sash Lock Chrome Plated - 65mm 10 1
    3 Lever Mortice Sash Lock Nick Plated / Electro Brassed - 75mm 5 1
    3 Lever Mortice Dead Lock Nick Plated / Electro Brassed - 65mm 5 1
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9 Items

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